An affiliate marketing is a marketing process in which a particular business organization pays commission to its one or more than one affiliates. For the promotion of its products that generate traffic. Moreover to attracts visitors to the organization’s website. Which finally leads to the selling of a product. This Affiliate marketing are generally done by the other websites which pushes its visitors to the other websites. Along with a referral link and takes commission from that website in return.
Here is an easy example to understand this affiliate marketing system in general understanding. Suppose you have an E-Commerce site with various products. Suppose some other websites comes to you to become your affiliate. Now they showcase your products in their site with a referral link back to your site. Here a visitor comes one of your affiliate site and click one of the products which he likes.
Suppose that product belongs to you and so visitor redirected to your site and from their he purchased the same. Due to this referral sale you have to share a commission with that referral site. Now the catch is, either you can offer others to become your affiliate or you can become other’s affiliate to generate little extra income.